Portfolio Category: Custom application

Reintroducing a key tech media publisher

September 15, 2016

How do you showcase the Ad services of a parent company to a portfolio of leading digital content and commerce brands? We completed a 360º overhaul of the Purch brand and website, to better

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Giving fans the rock star treatment

September 15, 2016

How do you give fans a taste of the rock star lifestyle? To build awareness for MiO Liquid Water Enhancers among club-goers, we built an interactive music video in which fans guide renowned DJ

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Inspiring the customization journey

September 15, 2016

How do you enhance Bentley’s commissioning process with personalization leading the way? We co-created an interactive installation based on the act of choosing as an exploration of personality

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From print to platform

September 15, 2016

How do you reinvent two respected print magazines for online audiences? We developed a thriving, responsive hub for Harvard Art Museums’ publications.

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